Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kirimi to launch campaign

James Kirimi will officially launch his campaign on Monday. This is after his  rival Omulloh Augo successfully launched his campaign on Thursday. Kirimi who has previously served as the director academics will also take the opportunity to introduce members of his Students Democratic Movement (SDM).  Although the venue for the campaign has not been announced we have been reliably been informed that the launch will go on as planned. Kirimi has declined to reveal the venue at this time but he has promised to inform us about the same tomorrow. We shall be bringing you more on  SDM campaign launch.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kirimi to launch campaign

James Kirimi will officially launch his campaign on Monday. This is after his  rival Omulloh Augo successfully launched his campaign on Thursday. Kirimi who has previously served as the director academics will also take the opportunity to introduce members of his Students Democratic Movement (SDM).  Although the venue for the campaign has not been announced we have been reliably been informed that the launch will go on as planned. Kirimi has declined to reveal the venue at this time but he has promised to inform us about the same tomorrow. We shall be bringing you more on  SDM campaign launch.

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