Monday, February 20, 2012

Augo talks tough

The CUSA chairman yesterday  told the school administration that student leaders will be visiting their offices with students grievances. A tough talking Omulloh Augo was speaking during the inauguration ceremony to usher in the newly elected leaders. The ceremony was graced by the principal Professor  E.N Njoka , the deputy principal academics Professor Dorcas Isutsa and the dean of students Rev Micheni. Augo who had promised to start on how note at one time questioned why students had to request for academic trips when it was their right.

Augo also said that he hoped that the rumor about long holiday was a rumor because it was not logic for students to go on long holiday after every semester. He also expressed his disappointment on how the issue of transcripts had been handled. He narrated how he had to teach for two thousand because he did not have a transcript.

In registering his concern of how things are done in the university Augo questioned  the bureaucratic process.      He wondered why purchase of small items had to go through the procurement process. He however said he likes consensus and consultations and notified the principal that when he will be seeing them they will not be going there to quarrel but to air students grievances. 

The sudden black out did not deter the CUSA leader from driving his point home and  when power resumed chants of " Rudia" (Repeat) could be heard from the enthusiastic crowd. Earlier on the the Secretary General had set the pace with his highly charged speech . Peter Mburu in his opening remarks stressed that he was going to work for the students without fear of threats or intimidation. He highlighted to the principal how the office of the dean has become inefficient and reluctant in dealing with issues affecting the students. He accused the past office bearers of abusing the constitution by not adhering to it. He cited the incident where the past Chairman had failed to convene an SGM as the constitution stipulated. He also promised to make sure the current office bearers adhered to the constitution. He also declared that he had lost confidence in the procurement department. To facilitate easy communication Mburu proposed setting up of modern noticeboards at appropriate spots.

The climax of the event was a performance by Tiger power an acrobat who thrilled the crowd with his extraordinary antics.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Augo talks tough

The CUSA chairman yesterday  told the school administration that student leaders will be visiting their offices with students grievances. A tough talking Omulloh Augo was speaking during the inauguration ceremony to usher in the newly elected leaders. The ceremony was graced by the principal Professor  E.N Njoka , the deputy principal academics Professor Dorcas Isutsa and the dean of students Rev Micheni. Augo who had promised to start on how note at one time questioned why students had to request for academic trips when it was their right.

Augo also said that he hoped that the rumor about long holiday was a rumor because it was not logic for students to go on long holiday after every semester. He also expressed his disappointment on how the issue of transcripts had been handled. He narrated how he had to teach for two thousand because he did not have a transcript.

In registering his concern of how things are done in the university Augo questioned  the bureaucratic process.      He wondered why purchase of small items had to go through the procurement process. He however said he likes consensus and consultations and notified the principal that when he will be seeing them they will not be going there to quarrel but to air students grievances. 

The sudden black out did not deter the CUSA leader from driving his point home and  when power resumed chants of " Rudia" (Repeat) could be heard from the enthusiastic crowd. Earlier on the the Secretary General had set the pace with his highly charged speech . Peter Mburu in his opening remarks stressed that he was going to work for the students without fear of threats or intimidation. He highlighted to the principal how the office of the dean has become inefficient and reluctant in dealing with issues affecting the students. He accused the past office bearers of abusing the constitution by not adhering to it. He cited the incident where the past Chairman had failed to convene an SGM as the constitution stipulated. He also promised to make sure the current office bearers adhered to the constitution. He also declared that he had lost confidence in the procurement department. To facilitate easy communication Mburu proposed setting up of modern noticeboards at appropriate spots.

The climax of the event was a performance by Tiger power an acrobat who thrilled the crowd with his extraordinary antics.

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