Thursday, February 2, 2012

23 Cleared to contest

The CUSA electoral commission has cleared 23 candidates to vie for various  posts in the upcoming CUSA. The 23 comprise both the candidates vying for posts in the governing council and the congress.  Richard Kamau and Peter Mburu vying for the post Sec-Gen and Male Hall Representative (non resident) respectively are unopposed. Missing from the list is the female representative (non -resident)

The complete list of candidates cleared by the CUSA electoral commission

Governing council
Chairperson                                Vice Chairperson/Running mate
Kirimi James Mworia                     Jeradine Ndila Mutunga
Omulloh Augo Joseph                   Rosemary Wairimu

Secretary General
Peter Mburu Mungai

Osamong Akou Gideon
Ndambuki Alfonse Muthoka
Stephen Wachira Murimi

Organizing Secretary
Mildred Atieno Mubweka
Deborah Kangai
Miriam Wamaitha Thuo

Director Academics
Collins Anangwe Boyi
Meraba Sure Joash
Kelvin Munene

Director Students Welfare
Elvis Kipkoskey
Kelvin Joyce Mukami
Kemboi Henry Cheruyoit


Female Hall Representative (Resident)
Chepkoech Zeddy
Beatrice Wamaitha

Male Hall Representative (Resident)
Barasa Wanjala Patrick
Maiko Josphat Beda

Male Hall Representative (Non-Resident)

 Kamau Richard Karoma


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Thursday, February 2, 2012

23 Cleared to contest

The CUSA electoral commission has cleared 23 candidates to vie for various  posts in the upcoming CUSA. The 23 comprise both the candidates vying for posts in the governing council and the congress.  Richard Kamau and Peter Mburu vying for the post Sec-Gen and Male Hall Representative (non resident) respectively are unopposed. Missing from the list is the female representative (non -resident)

The complete list of candidates cleared by the CUSA electoral commission

Governing council
Chairperson                                Vice Chairperson/Running mate
Kirimi James Mworia                     Jeradine Ndila Mutunga
Omulloh Augo Joseph                   Rosemary Wairimu

Secretary General
Peter Mburu Mungai

Osamong Akou Gideon
Ndambuki Alfonse Muthoka
Stephen Wachira Murimi

Organizing Secretary
Mildred Atieno Mubweka
Deborah Kangai
Miriam Wamaitha Thuo

Director Academics
Collins Anangwe Boyi
Meraba Sure Joash
Kelvin Munene

Director Students Welfare
Elvis Kipkoskey
Kelvin Joyce Mukami
Kemboi Henry Cheruyoit


Female Hall Representative (Resident)
Chepkoech Zeddy
Beatrice Wamaitha

Male Hall Representative (Resident)
Barasa Wanjala Patrick
Maiko Josphat Beda

Male Hall Representative (Non-Resident)

 Kamau Richard Karoma


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